about office kitten

Establishing and strengthening positive, firm relationships between clients and their stake holders in Japan, based on correct mutual understanding.

The professional house, office kitten's key words are the following;

office kitten hates taking a superficial view of "the matters" to deal with. To promote you and your products in Japan, office kitten provides you high-touch services based on the respects for your business, your products, your product category and your targets.

office kitten is also the specialist of observation. With diversified views, office kitten gazes at your target, your market, your competitors, your competition products (and also your products and yourself) at various opportunities. And then, finds out strengths, weakness, and business opportunities for you at each of them.

IT, and other high-tech industries

  • new entry into Japan market/early stage in Japan market
  • reinforce market communication in Japan market
  • full outsourcing of marcom/public relations activities in Japan market
  • expertise:
  • making marketing plan for vertical market in Japan
  • document writing/editing for various promotion tools
  • product presentation for promotion at various occasion including media briefing, customer seminar and business meeting
  • management of marketing/communication section in an organization
  • repesentative:
    yuichi, sakurai -bio-

    haraichiba 54-14, hannno-city, saitama-pref, Japan 357-0124


    website: http://www.6kittens.com

    e-mail: contact@6kittens.com

    office kitten (c) all rights reserved.